SolarQuip home solar power installations

Glen Morris, SolarQuip - Off Grid Solar InstallationSolarQuip provide solar training and consulting services throughout Australasia with specialisation in stand-alone power systems, battery backup, and grid-connect best practice design and installation.

Proprietor Glen Morris is one of Australia’s foremost trainers in SPS (Stand-alone Power Systems) and in leading edge solar power solutions and regulation.

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Glen has over 20 years experience in solar technology, training and installation and sits on the EL42 committee charged with reviewing and revising the Australian Standards for solar PV design and installation.


Stand Alone (Off-grid) Training Courses

SolarQuip Stand Alone Solar TrainingSolarQuip regularly delivers stand alone training courses in Melbourne and around Australia.

Glen has been living independently ‘off the grid’ for much of his life, refining techniques and technologies to provide a comfortable quality of life using renewable power sources.

With this applied knowledge and many years experience as a solar PV installer and inspector, Glen provides intensive training in all aspects of off grid power systems, their installation, and their maintenance.

Stand-alone courses are run through Swinburne University with two weeks of classroom training and one week of hands-on training with installed systems.

For more information and upcoming dates of stand alone training courses, visit

See past courses on  our training gallery

Stand-alone (Off grid) training Courses


Solar and Renewable Energy Consulting

Expert training with SolarQuipGlen Morris provides consulting services for a wide range of solar business sectors.

Contact SolarQuip if you are seeking:

    • Assessment of local solar and renewable energy sources
    • Energy audit and matching of demand with renewable sources
    • Company training on PV design best practice standards and regulation
    • Off grid and battery backup training

Read about Glen Morris and SolarQuip


Solar PV Best Practice Training

SolarQuip staff have developed online solar PV best practice training for the Australian Solar Council and their Solar Gold Certification program for PV companies.

This training is delivered online and provides solutions for many of the most common issues in PV design, installation and customer service.

See for details on this program.